"Safe & Unsafe Touch"
KIDS ages 6-11. Valuing the eyes God gave me and learning about the difference of Good Pictures & Bad Pictures. Each child develops...
"Good Touch, Bad Touch"
SPROUTS ages 2-6. Children will learn about good and bad touches in relation to others. PARENT NOTE Special Note- This lesson is on a...
"Protecting My Senses" YOUTH Blog
God gave us our 5 senses so that we might be intoxicated with the beauty of life. But in today's world we can be overstimulated. So how can
"Protecting My Senses" Parent Blog
"Since it’s not possible to forever avoid stimuli that assault the senses, it is important to cultivate the discipline of discernment."...
"Protect My Eyes" Good Pictures & Bad Pictures
KIDS ages 6-11. Valuing the eyes God gave me and learning about the difference of Good Pictures & Bad Pictures. Each child develops...
*NEW Blog for Youth & Teens. Life is a collection of all the little decisions we make each day. What will you center your decisions on?...
"My 5 Senses"
Ages 3-6. Children come to appreciate their five unique senses given to them by God and desire to use them for good.
"GOD IN MY HEART" Parent Blog
*NEW Blog for Parenting Youth + Teens We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love. God is love, and all who live...
"God As My Compass"
KIDS ages 6-11. Let's discover the invisible compass God gave us- our conscience!
"Child of God"
SPROUTS ages 2-6. You are a one of a kind, irreplaceable, valuable child of God. PURPOSE Children will value and appreciate themselves as...
"Saving Sex"
TEENS ages 14-18. Sex is the highest expression of love and one of the most powerful forces in the universe. PARENT Prep Take a moment to...
"Purity Pursuit"
YOUTH ages 11-14. Pursuing purity as a young teen- finding a personal reason and choosing the right friends & environments to support you...
"My First Kiss"
A lesson for KIDS ages 6-11. Did you know God gave us a special gift? The gift of a kiss. Note to Parents- this lesson focuses in on...
A lesson for SPROUTS ages 2-6. Laying a foundation for purity through the teaching of patience and trust in my parents and God. PURPOSE...
"Channeling Desires"
TEENS ages 14-18. With puberty come desires, learn to channel them in a healthy way. *Note- This lesson includes a lot of activities,...
"Puberty- Embracing the Change"
YOUTH ages 11-14. In our own timing, each of our bodies go through intricate changes as we grow into the adults that God intended us to...
"Stages of Growth!"
A lesson for KIDS ages 6-11. My body will go through the 3 stages of growth created by God.
"My Body Grows!"
A lesson for SPROUTS ages 2-6. My body grows and I can take good care of it!
"Made to Complement”
TEENS ages 14-18. Male & Female- God created us to complement each other.